Our Story
It all started with a home-brew kit. The year was 2010 and Brian, our master brewer, had just received a Christmas present that would change his and his family's life.
Of course, he didn't know that yet. All he knew was that he loved beer and was excited that his wife, DeDe, had decided to get him his very own brew kit.

Quickly, Brian became hooked on his new hobby and started reading every book about brewing that he could get his hands on. Most weekends, he took over the kitchen to continue his pursuit of the perfect beer.
Eventually, his family convinced him to enter a home-brew competition. To his surprise, he won. And then he won another. And another. And another. He realized he'd tapped into something great.
Our Story
Brian's project expanded to his garage, but he knew his brew couldn't live up to its fullest potential without more space and equipment. The problem? The only reasonably priced three-barrel brewhouse he could find was being sold in Georgia. For just a moment, Brian thought, “Well, maybe someday.”
Quickly, he remembered that this dream was worth fighting for. He and his wife got on a flight to Atlanta, took apart the entire brewhouse and six tanks, and loaded a rental truck with over five tons of stainless steel equipment. Nothing could stop 2Row from coming to Utah, not even a tornado in Tennessee or a near-truck-flip in a ditch in Alabama.
Eventually, Dede and Brian opened a bottle shop in a 2500-square-foot industrial space in Midvale, Utah. In true 2Row fashion, they outgrew that space, too.
In 2023, the pair celebrated the grand opening of their 16,000-square-foot taproom and bar with their 25 employees (six of whom are family.) It's safe to say that Brian and DeDe have bottled the taste of a dream-come-true.
People always ask us how we came up with the name of our brewery, 2 Row. After all, most American beers are made from six-row barley. Well, that's exactly the point. Six-row malts are preferred by large, mass-market breweries, and that's just not us. Two-row barley echoes our commitment to local, high-quality, craft brews.
We're just getting started. Follow the rest of our story on Instagram.